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Monday, January 16, 2017

10 Commandments to lose the rumen and burn belly fat

Modern Arab study has shown that 90% of adults in the Arab world wish to get rid of the accumulated fat in the abdominal area, so Barna in rapid slimming magazine to offer all who wish to allocate the rumen this special topic, which is some of the most important ways of effective and safe for the loss of the abdomen is fast , and by following these simple tips habits can more easily eliminate the accumulated fat in the abdominal area Erh and get on the belly of a tight and slim and graceful. At the same time, we protect ourselves from many diseases related to the accumulation of fat such as heart disease, strokes, bloating and 

others. All this and more by following these habits and tips:

. Identify a realistic goal and move forward. Where it must determine the desired losing weight with   the help of ideal weight calculator, note that these things need some time to get the desired result, which will not be more than one month at the latest.

. food coloring. It is not intended here is to paint the food, but a lot of colors Calf fit meal, cucumbers, spinach, carrots, tomatoes and other healthy foods which, if included in the one meal they take advantage of them good. Note that some diets prevent reflux and/or tomatoes during the accursed period.

. Drink water frequently. Contrary to what one knows of many, drank plenty of water for at least eight glasses a day one of the most important steps necessary for fat loss and weight loss are also advised to drink a glass of water before each meal shortly, and in light of moisturizing body and replace lost fluids and reduce the need for beverages drinks and sweetened juices. So we recommend that you carry a bottle with you wherever you go.

. Stop eating soft drinks. Diet soft drinks even of them are commercial products and affect the agility around the abdomen area. For this reason, you must get rid of soft drinks or avoid them as much as possible in the case of wanting to get on the belly tight.

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.  LOSS most is eating junk food. All of which contain the large amounts of calories and saturated fats that are difficult for the body to deal with it and then stores it, especially in the areas of the abdomen and buttocks in the body. So in a way agility, you must refrain from eating such foods and replace them with a private plant them healthy foods.

. determine the size of the meal. Do you know the size of the meal that must be addressed? Did you know that most of us put at least twice the amount mentioned for the size of the meal, as well as a restaurant more than twice the size of the perfect meal capita meat and fat, as well as ill-prepared way? Tested by placing what is sufficient grain in a vase or bowl and compare the size of the meal listed on the cereal box. Therefore, we recommend using small dishes to eat it Chark rapid satiety and can not fool the stomach. In this way, it protects the whole body especially your belly from many calories unnecessary.

. LOSS rumen practice exercises. It is true that all the exercise Tvkdk calories and fat unnecessary, but about LOSS rumen issue is quite different. Where you need the abdominal area to practice specialized exercises like abdominal exercises and exercises tummy tuck, and in light of a healthy diet or checking in food intake and a lot of movement.

. cry from starvation and deprivation. Starve the self-denial of food is one of the reasons for the body to store fat and reduce metabolic rates, contrary to what many believed us, but it must be done to reduce calories by following a healthy diet from Diet section without amendment, so as to ensure obtaining the necessary minimal nutrients of calories and fat unnecessary.

. cry from the tension. It has been proven that there is a close relationship between stress and weight gain, not induce the body to eat only food, but also to the fact that the tension and stress and nervousness stimulate the body to secrete many hormones that affect metabolism, so you must fight the tension and pressure as much as possible to lose the rumen and get Ali healthy body and limber.

. A comprehensive healthy diet without giving up the importance of breakfast meal, contrary to what some believe, avoid eating breakfast a key factor for the emergence of the rumen. For more, we advise you to realize the benefits of breakfast. Experts and specialists also advised those who want to customize the rumen to watch his food low-fat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables, brown rice and whole grains to choose, and avoid foods rich in fat and calories Kalpana hamburgers and fried foods and baked potatoes, and sugars. On the other hand, experts and specialists need to eat slowly assured and effective way to lose weight in the abdominal area in general, the speed of the feeling of 
satiety and fullness under to enjoy the taste and taste as long as possible without overheating

The benefits of exercise in the morning

It has never been my habits to get up early, but I do in one day I decided to be those filled with vigor and vitality girl, and exercise aerobics morning. I know that many of the girls would make a such a decision, and their enthusiasm is going to do this quickly, The idea of ​​waking up very early and abandon the bed is not easy to most of us, but I'm uncertain that you Cetkona keen on it if the following five benefits learned to exercise the morning instead of the evening .

. Exercise in the morning makes you more committed and more able to persevere by comparing their practice in the evening. In the morning fewer excuses that might prevent you from performing the exercises, while the increase in the evening, it was either you're tired from a hard and long day at work or do not want to miss an evening picnic with family or friends

. morning exercises, contribute greatly to make your day goes better and more regular, they are working on regulating the body clock, and stimulate the secretion of the hormone endorphin, which works to improve mood and relieve stress and tension.

. If you live an exercise in order to lose weight and maintain a perfect shape for the posture, the morning is the best time for it. The practice exercises in the morning help burn fat and calories faster as it reduces an excessive sense of hunger during the day.

. probably also know that the practice of sport, in general, helps to increase mental activity and the ability to save and focus, and this is why it is best to exercise in the morning before going to work, rather than practice in the evening.

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Melt the fat-removing acne-fastest easiest diet-diet-child obesity-dark circles-weight-loss-diet program -twhit face-LOSS buttocks-abdomen-LOSS LOSS LOSS rumen-without-Diet Weight Loss-Atralat belly-hair loss -tsgar nose-aerobic exercises-exercises-body stretching exercises for fat-burning exercises to flatten tummy-slimming nose-slimming body-slimming legs slimming-thighs-slimming face-acne-acne-burning fat-burning belly fat-diet Gmaiah- weight loss diet-week-protein-diet diet of pregnant and lactating diet-water-Diet Diet nursing-fast-fast-acting diet-diet-healthy diet -hard-overweight-chest-tightening benefits of walking-exercise ball chair-exercise apps-exercise for lower abs-

. Of course, exercise at any time has many benefits for your health but practiced in the morning the body can reach to maximum advantage. Sports morning working on the regulation of blood pressure and heart rate and stimulate blood circulation in the body.

Start now, and get a healthy body and leaner muscles and a perfect workout in the morning.

Hot drinks slimming and fat burning

One of the ways is the ability to get rid of excess weight is to increase metabolism and control appetite by using rich drinks in antioxidants, they speed up the digestion, and reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood, and reduce fat cells, and here we will collect you a set of simple and easy recipes are used to get rid of weight excess

If you want the recipe to get rid of excess weight if Try fennel, which contains many health advantages, as well as rich in magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B, which reduces appetite and increases the burning of calories, and save your body of toxins and cleanse the colon.

Method 1:

Use a teaspoon of fennel pills, and I add a cup of boiling water and leave to boil for a few minutes.
Wasfi water and eat tea and you can add lemon juice or honey.
This drink eating regularly will save you from excess weight.
Method 2:

Use four teaspoons of fennel, and Dam in boiling water on the fire.
Reduce heat and At Rehm for five minutes.
Shut the heat and cover the mixture for five minutes.
Descriptive Tea Tabouleh either hot or cold four times a day.

Distinctive recipe also to get rid of excess weight, which reduces the garlic of appetite, and helps you to get rid of excess weight, increases the burning of calories, and pumping adrenaline in your nervous system, and also is rich in antioxidants, and controls the level of cholesterol in the blood, and rids the body of toxins, and cleans the colon.

Method 1:

Put a cup of water to boil for a few minutes.
Shut the heat from the water.
Put the three cloves of garlic in water.
Leave on for ten minutes and then covered with Drain garlic.
Add a little lemon and honey.
My heart Tabouleh and drink, and keep it up to get rid of excess weight.
Method 2:

Use 4 cloves of garlic, a medium and a piece of ginger, lemon juice, and a little chili.
Put all these ingredients in a large cup.
Add the boiling water and cover for my Rabaa hours.
Descriptive drink.
Eat this mixture regularly even get rid of excess weight.

A wonderful drink to get rid of excess Alon, Ginger burns fat, reduces cholesterol, and save you from excess weight quickly.

Method 1:

Use a piece of ginger by Mind Ababa.
Cut the ginger small pieces, with a lemon into two halves.
Use a pot to boil water and add a cup and a half of water.
Put the ginger in water.
Cover the bowl and leave for a quarter of an hour.
Descriptive ginger and a warm Tabouleh.
Eat this mixture twice a day to get quick results.
Method 2:

You can use fresh ginger or ground.
Use four cups of water and Dam to Agua.
When the water begins to boil Add about a teaspoon of ginger.
Shut the heat and leave for a few minutes before putting the tea leaves about a tablespoon.
Descriptive tea and add a little honey and a few drops of lemon.
Eat this mixture twice a day.
Method 3:

Use half a tablespoon of powdered ginger, cinnamon powder.
Place all ingredients in boiling water and Il pm.
Drink this mixture once in the morning on an empty stomach.
This mixture saves you from bacteria in the body, as well as increases the speed of burning calories.

Lemon drink helps to hydrate the body and increase immunity, nourishes and strengthens the body against disease, and also helps in getting rid of excess weight.

Method 1:

Use a glass of water and put it on the fire.
Add a teaspoon of tea.
Leave it to a boil for three minutes, then leave it to cool down.
Descriptive tea and add half a lemon juice.
My heart and then my little honey.
Drink this tea on a regular basis.
Method 2:

Use lemon peel, and put it in boiling water.
Leave on for a few minutes and then descriptive drink.
Put a little honey.
Eat this drink in the evening.
Drink mint:

Mint accelerates digestion, cleanses the digestive tract, and also contain nutrients for the body, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which helps get rid of excess weight and maintaining the body's health.

Method 1:

Use a tablespoon of fresh mint or dried.
Add them to the boiling water and leave for five minutes.
Descriptive drink and add a little honey.
My heart Tea Enjoy this delicious drink and Pour off the excess weight.
This mixture helps to digest regular food.
Method 2:

Use a bag of tea and mint together.
Put it in boiling water and leave for five minutes.
Drain the bag and eat a drink.
Eat this mixture twice a day.

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Another drink to get rid of weight, which contains a lot of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which help to save you from excess weight and maintain your health.

Method 1:

Use pineapple fruit completely.
Drain and rinse the chaff.
Put the chaff in boiling water and leave to boil for ten minutes.
Descriptive drink.
This mixture reduces appetite and burns fat.
Method 2:

Use a three and a half cups of boiling water, and Put with mint leaves.
Put the lid and leave it for five minutes.
Add the three-quarters cup of pineapple juice and a little sugar.
Descriptive drink and Tabouleh.
Put a few ice cubes and eaten it several times a day on a regular basis.
Drink chamomile:

Chamomile flowers that help weight loss, which is rich in magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, and calcium.

Method 1:

Take a small hanging of dried chamomile, and put it in a glass of water.
Leave the mixture to cool for a few minutes and then drain.
Drink this mixture to get rid of excess weight, and you can also eat before going to bed to get rid of insomnia and get a quiet night's sleep.
Method 2:

Put the bag in a cup of chamomile.
Add the boiling water into the cup and leave for five minutes.
Drain the bag, then put some of the lemon juice and honey.
Eat this mixture regularly in the evening.
Drink sage:

Method 1:

Use 15 grams of sage and put them in a vase.
Place the boiling water on the leaves and leave for five minutes.
Drain papers shall descriptive drink.
Costume brew with honey, and add drops of lemon juice.
My heart to drink Tstmtaa Beach and get rid of excess weight.
Eat this mixture regularly.
Method 2:

Use a teaspoon of sage leaves and put them in a cup.
Add boiling water.
Leave to cool for about five minutes then add the milk and honey.
Drink this mixture in the evening on a regular basis.

Eating junk food damage

Nutrition experts advised to stop eating junk food, because of the damage caused by them, which is the following

- Obesity
Studies have shown a link overweight closely with eating junk food, in addition to the risk of Type II diabetic diabetes as a result of the accumulation of fat in the body and increase insulin resistance in the blood

- Addiction to junk food
Eating junk food causes addiction, thus depriving the Mtnaouliha access to healthy foods and gain the essential nutrients needed by their bodies

It doubled the number of children and adolescents with obesity in the past years, due to eating junk food on a daily basis, and it leads to a weakness in the growth of children because they lack the nutrients they need at their age

- Materials and chemical dyes
Fast food containing high levels of substances harmful chemical dyes that can cause cancer in the long term, so it is advisable to take off and replace healthy fresh foods known source

junk food clothing weight loss calculator-weight loss surgery-weight loss before and after-weight loss pills-Fitness-Diet-LOSS-paunch,

a piece of Chicken
Most of the chicken served in fast-food restaurants on chemical preservatives called "ITP THQ" can cause vomiting, nausea and even death in some cases contain pieces

- Fast food is not healthy
Junk food high in calories and fat that cause weight gain and obesity

- Soft drinks and sugars
Fructose is used to sweeten most types of soft drinks, which are dealt with fast food and sweets, and helps to gain more weight

Fast Food Prices
The fast-food prices are high if compared with foods cooked at home, so I prefer to stay away from them for people wishing to save and get a tasty and healthy food at the same time

Way to burn belly fat in a week

obesity and rumen
health risks and social consequences of obesity and rumen
 burn belly fat in a week
steps to burn belly fat

Obesity is defined accumulation of fat in the body to some extent beyond a certain level so that these fats are incompatible with health, is assessed body weight using a variety of ways; as was common in the past, the use of spreadsheets life insurance companies to determine the ideal weight, but at the moment is the most way common and widely used method is the use of the body mass index, which is calculated using the following formula: BMI = weight (kg) / height in meters squared (m²),

 Linked to obesity, high mortality and high incidence of many chronic diseases, such as type II diabetes disease, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer and osteoarthritis Alazama (Osteoarthritiss) and liver disease, and rising risks of these more diseases, the greater the obesity, as can reduce the obesity of the body's immunity against bacteria and virus infection. [2] has not less social consequences of obesity and rumen health consequences; as the present society wrong with obesity and Ivmha, especially in women and adolescent girls, people living with obesity, and in spite of the rising awareness that obesity is a complex problem, just self-control in eating beyond, this discrimination against people living with obesity affect the educational, social, marital and employment status, and people should obese fully possible efforts to treat their condition and get rid of them completely done, as on all members of society must change this criticism of people with obesity and raise the level of awareness regarding the problem of weight gain and causes.

weight loss calculator-weight loss surgery-weight loss before and after-weight loss pills-Fitness-Diet-LOSS-paunch, 

 In the beginning it should be known that he could not get rid of abdominal fat excess completely and definitively in one week, but a week is enough to start reducing these facts and the work of some Kawai necessary to get rid of the rumen and should be working on getting rid of excess fat gradually; as plans which adopts a small and gradual changes and realistic goals are often more successful than plans that rely loss quick weight, and the goal should be focused on correcting the dietary habits and lifestyle to reach the best possible weight in a better health condition rather than focusing on access to certain weight or focus on access to the perfect body. [2]

Steps to burn belly fat
We will talk about the following points for ways to fight belly fat and get rid of them with some tips on nutritional behaviors:

It must be obtained from the assessment of the nutritional status and health of the arrangement of the goals and priorities of the treatment; in some cases the use of drugs or resorting to surgical procedures need to be required for health status, while can be used with diet, sports and lifestyle modifications in the majority of other cases
 must be a person starts treatment of abdominal fat flight status individual plan for him commensurate with his abilities personal, preferably starting to adopt a one-step or two according to his ability, and commitment to a certain period of time, then add more steps according to prepared, so the plan is realistic and logical and far all difficult to achieve goals.

 commitment to a diet low in calories for the daily needs of the body, preferably consult nutritionists to do this step, which is the basis for weight loss and abdominal fat area.

 The attempt to introduce the steps that are adopted in the pattern of daily human life; as this gives the best results in terms of continuity rather than adopting a diet for a temporary period and then return to the previous system of life that led the person to weight gain in origin.

 exercise, where I found studies the ability of aerobics to ease abdominal fat area if exercised periods sufficient not less than 100 hours a week and adhered to, where I found them effective in reducing internal abdominal fat surrounding organs, which are linked to health problems,

 But Consult your doctor before starting a workout by people with chronic illnesses or people who are not accustomed to playing sports or people who have excess weight dramatically,

 It has been found that exercise early in the morning and before that man starts his day who could distract him from sports performance is the best routine, and that people who exercise in the morning are more committed to it than others,

include sports aerobics walking, jogging and jumping rope and fixed the bike and lots of aerobics and other exercises that raise the rate of respiration and heart beat. Use of taking notes about everything related to eating and other daily behaviors, such as sports and other activities and other physical, with a record time, duration and location, feelings and mental state associated with these behaviors, helping this way the same person or from working to help in weight loss on the assessment of behaviors and identify the problems facing it, and thus help to therapeutic strategy and develop appropriate solutions amendment, and should be defining the problem and develop a number of solutions, and then select the most appropriate of these solutions and commitment, then you should be evaluating the success of this solution, in the absence of success, it is resorting to a solution alternative solutions in advance and sticking to it, and then must be re-evaluated.

 taking care to water in sufficient quantities; as it helps you feel full and reduces calorie intake,

should take care to drink water before meals, where he found that it slightly reduces the calories
 in the meal, and contribute to this behavior in the treatment of obesity and excess fat in the long run.

 to increase the number of meals taken per day and make it smaller.

stop eating as soon as the feeling of satiety, and rely on the body's internal indicators to determine the amounts of food intake in the meal instead of following the external indicators, such as the size of the meals provided or the size of the dish and the other, which became the largest in our time than it was in the past.

 care to reduce the amount of fat intake in the diet, which is considered a major cause of the accumulation of excess fat in the body, where you should avoid high-fat foods, such as high-fat, margarine, cream, butter, cream, mayonnaise and other meats.

 careful to eat slowly; as this contributes to cut the amount of food intake, and this can be achieved good chewing and put spoons and forks between Playmat and talk a little bit with people your entourage and other behaviors.

 not to eat in places not designated for that purpose, and times, and should avoid eating during exercise another activity, such as watching TV or working, and others.

 Avoid eating empty calories that give the body the calories without giving nutrients, such as soft drinks, alcohol, and certain types of sweets and others.

 to get at least seven and a half hours of sleep a day; as the denial of adequate sleep causes an imbalance in the metabolic processes and contributes to weight gain and fat accumulation and reduces the activity and the ability to exercise and raises the chance of eating food unhealthy.

 treat the case of emotional eating if any, which must be several alternative solutions put to deal with stress and emotions emotional, and these solutions are considered exercise an ideal solution; as they contribute to the easing of tension and raise the happiness hormones, in addition to its role in burning calories and reduce abdominal fat area. Should not be underestimated self even in the event of mistakes, and it must not be exaggerated sense of guilt or make it an obstacle to continuing to get rid of excess fat trip, there is nothing wrong with falling into some mistakes sometimes, and in return should error exceeded and focus on the achievements and the pros and return to continue there as this supports the person to continue to achieve successes.

 Replace activities that do not require physical activity, such as watching TV or video games, activities that require physical activity, such as playing football or other sports. Food preparation yourself at home and avoid eating prepared foods. Make a list before you go shopping and adhered to, and not shopping while feeling Palj

Sunday, January 15, 2017

?What are the health risks of excess weight with pregnancy

?How will it affect my weight on and on my child

Be a normal, healthy pregnancy for most women are overweight. Weight has absolutely no effect on your pregnancy or your birth
However, the increase in weight has doubled with a high body mass index BMI possibilities will impact you some complications. You may not exercise any of these problems, but it is useful to know and see it

Physicians and researchers have not discovered why weight affects the carrier, which is part of the most complex the intervention of other factors, such as the woman's age and history of hereditary or genetic and lifestyle and even ethnic background combination. Each of these factors role. But whenever a body mass index of you have, the greater the likelihood of exposure to complications during pregnancy

:The most common complications associated with being overweight or obese pregnancy
Pregnancy diabetes
High blood pressure associated with pregnancy
Pre-eclampsia which occurs when there is a problem in the placenta
.The beginning of labor very early

However, weight gain also lead to higher chances you exceed the expected date of childbirth. What you need to increase the likelihood of birth induced.

If the body mass index of 30 or higher have, you are having the following things when it comes time to give birth:
Assisted delivery (tongs surgery or peat)
Caesarean birth
Severe bleeding after childbirth (postpartum hemorrhage PPH)
If inflammation of the wound was born by Caesarean section
Blood clots in the deep veins of the leg (deep vein thrombosis or DVT) or the lungs (pulmonary embolism or PE)
T dash increases the time in the hospital because of complications.

If you are overweight or suffer from obesity during pregnancy, are likely to give birth a large-sized baby (macrosomia).

On the other hand, the increase in overweight or obese may lead to the birth of small children. If you are carrying excessive weight around your waist, it is difficult for midwives and doctors to evaluate your child's growth carefully. Additional hearings conducted for imaging ultrasound any sonar for most women than to have a body mass index of 40 to make sure that the baby is growing well.

Researchers have also link between obesity and the high probability of the development of a child with dysfunction in the neural tube. These defects can affect the child's brain and spinal cord (neural tube defects), or heart, or abdominal wall. But rest assured, because these risks are very rare.

You can protect your baby from neural tube defects by taking 5 milligrams of folic acid per day during the first three months of pregnancy. Ask your doctor prescription.
?What can I do so that I have the healthy pregnancy
The good news is that some simple steps can help you protect your child's health and well-being. It is considered healthy eating, regular exercise, and sports practice, and adherence to the guidelines for the weight gain of the best ways to reduce the chances of complications.

There is no evidence that a diet to lose weight during pregnancy is a good idea. In fact, your child may harm in some cases. If you suffer from nausea and vomiting in the first weeks of pregnancy, it may be harder for you to enjoy a balanced diet. Make sure you only drink plenty of water and try to 
eat small, nutritious meals more often

The best thing for you and your child to eat, according to a balanced diet. Choose foods that contain a low percentage of glucose, which are foods that require your body to work hard to be digested and converted into sugar. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Go to Options foods that contain whole grains and starches, such as bread, pasta Almsnoaan of whole grains, instead of foods that are high in fat and sugar. Shark foods that contain a high proportion of fiber and starchy foods fullness and give you food that you and your child Thtegenha.

As well as a healthy diet, there are dietary supplements need to be taken. If the body mass index has more than 30, you should take a daily dietary supplement contains 5 milligrams of folic acid. This is a higher dose than the usual dose containing 400 micrograms of folic acid, so you will need to get a prescription. Keep taking folic acid for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Help to take folic acid in the first trimester (first three months your baby's nervous system growth) as normal.

Also, Stnsahk doctor to take a daily complimentary contains 10 micrograms of vitamin D during pregnancy and after the birth of your child if you are breastfeeding. Vitamin D helps your child to strong bones and teeth growth before and after birth. If the body mass index have more than 30, considered vitamin D intake is especially important because the increase in body mass index on 30 
makes you more prone to vitamin D deficiency

Constitute a regular exercise during pregnancy is an excellent way to help your body cope with pregnancy and prepare you for the birth. It is one of the best ways to control your weight, especially when combined with a healthy diet. These exercises can reduce the likelihood of a large-sized baby mode.

But if you do not live a sport before pregnancy, this is not the time to start to follow a strict regime. You can do some light exercise after obtaining the consent of your physician

Contented himself with activities or exercises that do not require a great effort, such as swimming and walking. Commit sessions short exercises and Side gradually, and keep moisture in your body by drinking plenty of water

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Talk to your doctor about individual circumstances. Maybe it was high blood pressure or suffer from diabetes or have a family history of senior-sized children. If you and your doctor are aware of the risks that you may experience, Fimkinkma works together to improve your chances of having a healthy child

Friday, January 13, 2017

Know the benefits of drinking hot water on an empty stomach

Many people prefer to drink cold water, and prefer ice water in the summer and think that that tells their thirst and benefit their health, but the fact that drinking cold water deprive you of many of the necessary returned in the water and can not take advantage of them only when your drinking hot water and regularity to drink water hot little to save energy for the digestive system, and reduces the metabolic waste accumulated in the immune system

We have quoted previously the subject of a warning from the drinking water during eating or before and immediately after eating and conveyed gravity and harm and Our Exile is common for many people is that the water during a meal improves digestion and emphasized that and also stressed the specialists it causes indigestion for more information, see the article "damage to drinking water during eating and immediately after eating. "

 Background Coffee Water Paper Man Nature Sun Forest Health Spring Leaves Tea Shirt Human Person Drink Boy Energy Cup, hot-steam-water-coffee-tea-cups-glass

Of the hot water to drink on an empty stomach and the benefits are cleansing the digestive process, avoid constipation, relieve pain if it concerns a headache or muscle spasms, and reduce the weight, improve blood circulation, and stop premature aging

It has the Japanese Federation of Diseases published the following experiment for the treatment of water for the following diseases:
Hyperacidity and gastritis, dysentery, headache, pressure,  throat, asthma, TB, meningitis, and any other disease related to the urinary tract, constipation, any disease related to eye and ear and throat.

Damages slimming pills ... the subject is very dangerous, please beware

Many people tend to take pills WEIGHT LOSS
Because they are the easiest way to lose weight
Without resorting to programs and recipes
You need them to comply with the commitment and

But it shall be noted on this topic
The type of slimming pills that 
Some companies do not affect them as far as safety is interested in the product's success
In the sense that says that the product succeeded in your loss of weight
But what happens to the side effects of this product appear later
But too late and may not even realize it was too late
The product, which is why diseases that make you !!
It has spread type of pills Philippine Weight Loss
That factors cost weight by abuse  doses in the form of medicines
Such worms or eat all the food you eat !!
Even when a woman complained of pain was the result of these pills
I went to the hospital for examination the doctor told her that these worms began to ravage the members of her body!

People-Sport-Fitness-Red-Beauty-Health-Gym-Color-Flat-Shape Exercise-Training-Model-Skin-Diet Muscle-Care-Female-Young-Skin -care 

Therefore, attention must caution
It is the company producing the official company or is it commercial companies
It is not the same weight or value in the market
Every concern is that the product is sold, even at the expense of destroying your health
There is no oversight to persecute its leaders on what to do
We will mention now in general damages resulting from eating grain weight loss of any kind or origin
- Stomach ulcers: slimming pills affect on the stomach may lead to the injury of stomach ulcers, because of the lack of the stomach's ability to bear this additional burden of these pills.
- And get used to the abuse slimming pills could lead to addiction, and the impact of these pills a negative effect on the liver and impeded from carrying out his functions because of the increased proportion of body toxins caused by excessive eating.
- Depression and some types of these pills work on the body not to take advantage of some of the food portions that you are converting it into heat.
- Slimming pills and strongly negatively on the body's hormones that interact with these pills affects, leading to an imbalance in the natural level of excretion, especially the female hormone and thyroid hormone.
- As a result of the key role of slimming pills, which is to melt the fat accumulated in various parts of the body abnormally, it could lead to the melting of fat surrounding the kidney, which operates as a cushion for college, and result in dissolved kidney fall, has exacerbated this situation leads to kidney failure, God forbid

Diet water detail to lose weight quickly

Why the cursed water? : Enter the water in all vital activities in the body, is the basis of life is the 
main engine of the human body and uses of water in the slimming systems weight not to contain any calories, hence the water to work on fat and kicking them out of the body is therefore fat solvent and is not deposited if drinking a big amount of water, when filling the stomach with water it first give you the feeling of Fool Your Body Into Feeling Full and thus Guelleh your appetite for if you eat large quantities and caused you to increase of weight, the accursed system must be water to drink large amounts of water according to the required quantity which must not detract in accordance with the program of the cursed water, ranging system in drinking glasses water daily beginning 4 glasses per day to be an increase in the Kobe Of water daily from the previous day, and thus be 

: cursed program of water in the following format

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 : The first day of the accursed program water

Drinking one glass of warm water moment wake up from sleep.
Breakfast: The loaf of bread 1 boiled egg.
2 drinking a glass of warm water before lunch
lunch: grilled fish dish vegetables authority small dish of rice
drinking 2 glass of warm water before dinner
dinner: the fruit of fruit, yogurt case.

:The second day of the accursed program water

drinking 2 glass of warm water moment wake up from sleep.
Breakfast: tea retains loaf of bread
drinking my 2 glass of warm water before lunch
lunch: pieces of the chicken fat-free dish of chicken soup salad vegetables
drinking 2 glass of warm water before dinner
dinner: yogurt case a glass of orange juice

Day 3:

Drinking 2 glass of warm water moment wake up from sleep.
Breakfast: Kobe milk tea and a slice of bread, toast and a piece of cheese.
2 drinking a glass of warm water before lunch
Lunch: 2 slices of grilled beef salad vegetables Kobe apple juice.
2 drinking a glass of warm water before dinner
Dinner: 2 loaves of bread my country 2 a piece of cheese, a glass of orange juice.

: Fourth day

drinking 2 glass of warm water moment wake up from sleep.
Breakfast: the loaf of bread my country a dish of beans lemons boiled egg.
2 drinking a glass of warm water before lunch
lunch: quarter grilled chicken salad vegetables small dish of rice.
Drinking 3 glasses of warm water before dinner
dinner: Milk a glass of skim

: Fifth day

drinking 2 glass of warm water moment wake up from sleep.
Breakfast: the loaf of bread my country a piece of cheese white tea retains.
Drinking 3 glasses of warm water before lunch
Lunch: 2 pieces of chicken dish boiled rice average a glass of orange juice.
Drinking 3 glasses of warm water before dinner
dinner: a slice toast boiled egg yogurt case.

 : Day 6

drinking 3 glasses of warm water moment wake up from sleep.
Breakfast: 5 tablespoons beans lemons loaf of bread my country glass of milk skim
drinking 3 glasses of warm water before lunch
Lunch: 5 pieces of the liver of Grilled slice accursed toast dish of the authority of the vegetables
drinking 3 glasses of warm water before dinner
dinner: Toast slice a piece of white cheese Kobe apple juice

:seventh day

drinking 3 glasses of warm water moment wake up from sleep.
Breakfast: 1 loaf of bread my country 4 teaspoons over lemons.
Drinking 3 glasses of warm water before lunch
lunch: salad vegetables 1 a slice Toast 3 pieces of grilled meat.
Drinking 3 glasses of warm water before dinner
dinner: yogurt case of
ensuring the accursed system water, you are able to decrease of 5 kg of fats accumulated in the body during the week, and will help you to program weight machine and diet abdomen quickly you repeat

The benefits of ginger in fat burning and body shapers

Ginger is a plant grow beneath the soil as potatoes, where it has a nodal roots, one of the plants warm 
areas, has yellow flowers, but used him his roots and his legs are buried beneath the soil, which contains the volatile oil has pungent taste and pungent smell and this Al-Samir either a white or yellowish squirrel, preferably fresh from the plant where the infected carries after storage for a long time, even if it is stored with black pepper, ginger and extracted from the soil only after the leaves wither nor is crushed, but after drying completely

Ginger expressing the word of the word Chenkbal Fah lah origin and the best types of Jamaican ginger is the ratio to Jamaica, but are grown in a lot of countries and regions, and from the likes of China, India and East Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Mexico and the Philippines. And using ginger as a spice and seasoning in food Advair distinctive taste is also used in the work of hot Kalqrvh Orchid, candy, jams drinks. And talk about the benefits of ginger is not a newly were used in ancient Chinese therapy, as it benefits from its ability to allocate ginger body and burn fat.
Among the most important benefits of ginger in slimming it regulates metabolism and digestion and relieves stomach, where recent studies have confirmed that, improve the digestive process helps more weight loss due to the lifting of burn calories and increase metabolism rates in the body rates, it also features an effect magical high for its ability to burn excess fat from the body and Tifa thanks acclaimed heartburn that has been scientifically proven that it is of great importance in burning fat, ginger also reduces the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.
To get the full benefits of ginger in slimming preferred to use one of the following ways

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 Boil cinnamon and ginger with a cup of them after a meal directly.
Boil one cup of water and add ground ginger to it in addition to a lemon and leave to boil for 5 minutes and then be filtered and drink without sugar or sweeten a small spoon of honey bees and eat it
 you can also take advantage of the benefits of ginger in the burning of fat by fat areas that suffer from obesity Baghlia in the amount of appropriate water and then filtered and add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of bitter almonds and other teaspoon of rosewater to moisturizing cream and fat areas desirable allocated plus for a period until the skin absorbs well and 
.hen mix the body rinse

Ginger benefits do not end with the burning of fat, it is only among the most important benefits of ginger it prevents diarrhea and protects against nausea and vomiting during pregnancy or travel by various means of transportation period. Where it is useful in general for stomach disorders.
Ginger benefits do not stop there hath High's ability to treat headaches and relieve bone, muscle pain and are useful in reducing the high temperature on the ability to expand the blood vessels. Ginger is also used in the treatment of people with rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, heart and kidney as well as for its ability to enhance memory and the fight against premature aging. Studies recently reported that it may be used in the pharmaceutical industry is struggling types of cancer, but this information is still needed to confirm the specialists

Burn abdomen, buttocks fat in just a few days

Very briefly and concisely rapid slimming magazine is pleased to offer all who wish to burn belly fat all necessary to get the best advice as a result of the LOSS body and burning private fat accumulated in the abdomen and buttocks area in a short time and without the need to spend a lot of money, time and without leaving home.

 Identify a realistic goal.
With the help of ideal weight calculator, we recommend that all those who wish to burn belly fat or body weight loss and weight loss, in general, to determine a rational, objective and realistic goal for weight loss in a reasonable time. So that no more than one month. And owners are advised to recognize the great weight on the diet rapid slimming integrated magazine to lose 25: 35 kilos in a month. Note that weight loss in a healthy, safe and fast are advised to follow the diet easier to commit him under a lot of movement and exercise slimming exercises.

You must follow a healthy balanced diet without losing sight of certain meal breakfast, not a matter concerning the quantities and qualities only. Fks what is believed many of the body will be deprived of a certain meal a private breakfast or depriving the body of eating is a key factor for the emergence of the rumen. And to all those who follow a healthy balanced diet should closely examine his food and focuses on eating plant foods as vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and in return avoid eating foods rich in calories and saturated fat.

You must drink an adult at least eight glasses of water a day, or more than 2 liters per day throughout the day, especially before eating. The water gives a feeling of satiety and helps to stimulate the body to a lack of water storage, in addition to the large water body moisturizing capabilities and reduce the need to eat soft drinks and sweetened juices. Therefore, we recommend the maximum amount of water to drink per day.

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Contrary to what many drinks are carbonated even know the Diet, including commercial products, harm the ability of a private center and abdominal body, drinks are carbonated largely contain sugar, which is difficult to handle the body with him, which is converted to fat stored consisting rumen even in the case of a healthy balanced diet. This should finally stop taking soft drinks when the desire to have a graceful belly tight and flat Kenji at Hollywood.

In order to burn fat, especially belly fat burning With a healthy balanced diet should be a specialized exercise to lose belly tight rumen and in light of a lot of movement as much as possible, even in the house band.
For further recommend that you scan your slimming exercises section.
In addition to the tips mentioned above, each person who wishes to burn belly fat that works to avoid depriving the body and starve or to follow a healthy diet rich and poor dietary calories elements. Also, we advised of the importance of determining the size of the meal and the use of small dishes and spoons to give a feeling of fullness under eat slowly and eat more accused authorities.

Finally, you should avoid excessive thinking about reducing depression and psychological problems, there is a strong relationship between stress and psychological pressures and between obesity and weight gain. So you must work as much as possible to avoid such problems and scrutiny as has been mentioned above for a flat belly taut and graceful 

Thursday, January 12, 2017

What is the role of the exercises "meditation" and "yoga" to calm the mind and give you many health and psychological benefits?

The "Yoga" is not a simple two things at all, but two of the most important practices that lead you over time to pray local capabilities strong, at this moment in our time because of the availability of comfort and convenience, multiple techniques do not consume all human capacity, according to international statistics, the best scientists in our time we are using only approximately (10) or (3) percent of the internal capacity and the fact that unknown to many people to meditation and yoga help lift these capabilities from within us and exploited in order to achieve success. When the practice of "meditation" and "yoga", which helps your mind to focus more strongly and filled the shuttle chance to become stronger, so it grows within your abilities and increase with time

"Reflection" is to relax physically and mentally, so you can sit comfortably physically, and at the same time for other visits ideas, this is the kind of mind calm and stop the ideas, because ideas stopped almost impossible at the beginning of your practice of meditation, it is possible to tell you that the focus on process breath and watched you Turkana on one thing only, and this helps to calm the mind and the body, and this is required. "

There is a wonderful effect on the thinking
And was told that "if we know that human thinking during the day, including approximately (60) to (80) idea, and these ideas many prevented him from connecting the interior himself where all the information that success in life needs, and this is what we call" inspiration "or" intuition "we need to do the right thing and that the ideas prevented him from connecting the universe, where all the required information as well, and when to back your ideas, what is happening is to communicate with your mind process from the inside, where it is cleaned at the beginning ideas of this process and you will notice, I was in a meditation session that a lot of memories, and this process is the process of cleaning until you reach your subconscious mind which is the inside of your abilities, and a strong memory, and previous information, intuition and insight, and higher awareness and remote sensing in the field of energy in the body, and in your surroundings, and with the capabilities of passage internal time-stricken and Stop and better mentally healthy, religiously and spiritually, and other things will . Turkish yourself

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. Sit in a comfortable sitting in a quiet place, it is possible to stretch your back.
. Watch the Sadr movement and how the air enters the lungs and out of them.
 to control your breathing rate, but keep it as normal, and came over your mind with a good idea to relax and Audi to control your breathing.
Citizen because of this for twenty minutes once a day, just try to relax and every day for one-third of an hour for a period of time, watching for the impact of this session you, and you will find the difference this one is through meditation, but not all, as there are many ways for meditation

The best way to lose weight in a week

Losing weight in just one week? Yes, we have a terrible way to make you lose up to five pounds a week, all of this without starving or exercises too tired or do without a full dietary patterns. But how is it done? Things very simple sacrifice and commitment to specific techniques in a manner fit your
Drinking water, including:
That sports drinks or energy drinks, as well as juices, industrial, alcohol beverages Kalpana each contain about 100 calories, as well as high levels of salts Kalsodiom and carbohydrates also lead to maintain the amount of water in the body and then Na K and increase your weight contain, in contrast, the water simply contains zero calories, so it does not have any kind of energy and carbohydrates that may harm you, there in the water is very small sodium amounts, making it the best drink to lose weight at all, and drinking water also helps at the same time to get rid of the body of water inventory and that's what surprised him because the water works to increase metabolism and burn in the body clearly, if you are tired of drinking water, adding lemon flavor or some mint leaves Isaksson so wonderful.

Do not take white bread and pasta:
You can dispense with the white grain products such as white rice, pasta, and Sbajita these foods cause bloating and weight gain because they have a lot of carbohydrates, particularly in the abdominal area, leading to the emergence of the rumen, and simple carbohydrates have a significant harm for health and weight so the team quickly and then Tdjalk- feel very hungry, which makes dealing with overeating later cause you problems. You can dispense with white bread, white rice, pasta, complete with brown bread and cereals, brown rice with vegetables or even with complex carbohydrates, which the team slowly you feel hungry, in addition to more than vegetables from the mass of water which will help you in the excessive loss of water in the body .

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To do any work overwrought makes your heartbeat accelerates and increases the pulse rate is within the logic of make you burn calories and in large quantities, and you exercises that increase your heart rate for a period of half an hour.

Then drink a cup of coffee in the morning:
And it can be considered an exception to the rule coffee drinks, which I mentioned earlier, especially if you prefer without sugar, drink coffee before work makes you more active and productive during daylight hours.

Do calisthenics in the next day:
Pressure march and abdominal exercises daily at a rate of 36 times these movements make your body more streamlined and more agile and make you burn a lot of calories in the body, hips and thighs wonderful Exercises to lose weight through this system used, and you can also build muscle from weight-bearing hands and feet exercises.

Sleep for half an hour increase:
What if you sleep five or six or even eight hours a day, and increase the duration of your sleep 30 minutes more, which makes you more active and increase metabolic processes in the body as well.

Eating salmon:
That salmon eat at lunch, in particular, it is one of the good habits to lose weight so that the meat embrace the muscles and give the skin a healthy and elegant appearance, and the flesh of the salmon
contain little fat and lots of food and useful commensurate with the Food Systems

Legends series nutrition: Does eating before bedtime cause obesity?

 : Introduction to Nutrition Legends series

Despite the proliferation of slimming clinics and gyms and slimming sports equipment and household cheap medicines in the Arab world. But the Arab countries occupy the global forefront in the development of obesity rates. Egypt and Jordan are the two No. 1 and 2 in the percentage of obese women in the world, according to statistics from the Bloomberg network. This is due to many factors. Most notably social lifestyle in the Arab world. Since most of the holidays and celebrations and weddings and family visits and Kherujat the main factor is a fatty food item. And the second factor is due to the great failure of Western countries in nutrition science and training. Most slimming clinics in the Arab World initiative administered Doctors intimal or physical therapy, each holder of a submerged certificates of nutrition and others did not have any certificate or even studied the proper nutrition. Add to that the complete ignorance of the science of sound exercise and, of course, all of them in deplorable physical condition. This is unlike some of the appearances in the media and broadcast many of the fallacies and rumors on millions of ears and eyes

Myth One: eating before bedtime cause obesity

Many articles are advised in women's magazines and the many friends and girlfriends and slimming doctors advised to eat less food evening. And this is because - in their view - the food turns to fat automatically when you sleep. As the saying goes: eat breakfast like kings, Kalama lunch, dinner such as the poor. In this situation I describe Dr. slimming dinner very poor (piece Quraish cheese or yogurt cup skimmed) .. causing you excruciating pain because of hunger and great difficulty in sleeping
And Abraham is that when you sleep, basal metabolic rates of less (burn rate), and therefore believe that the body does not burn the food effectively and this food turns to fat Erh and chest and buttocks. When you wake up in perpetual motion and high-calorie burning rate. But when sleep movement and stop burning calories least rate. This justification seems strong at first glance, but he half-truth.

Metabolic rate during sleep Sleeping Metabolic Rate (SMR)

 .Metabolic rate during sleep is to burn calories while sleeping rate

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Study 1:

This study has already shown that the basic metabolism rate of less than 35% in the first half of the sleep cycle. This is consistent with the legend. But this study also demonstrated that the basic metabolic rate SMR rise dramatically in the second half of the sleep cycle!

If the burn rate during sleep change over time, but what is the overall result for the full cycle of sleep? Answer in the next two studies.

The study 2-3:

These studies demonstrated that the metabolic rate during sleep SMR is not much different from the metabolic rate during the day RMR. Whenever I lost weight, as these studies have proved that the metabolic rate during sleep rises. People Alpha have also a key rate during sleep higher than the rates during the day!

Study 4:

This study has shown that exercise during the day increases the basal metabolic rate during sleep significantly. And this is another benefit of the enormous benefits of the sport.

Conclusion: Studies have shown that the basic metabolism rate of not less than during sleep. And the source of the legend that these rates are only less than during the first half of sleep, but the overall result of the burn rates during sleep does not differ from those during the day.

But for ..mama eat carbohydrates before bedtime?
This is another version of the legend .. that carbohydrates before bedtime also automatically turn into fat. And it alleged that the promoters of this rumor insulin sensitivity less during the evening, leading to glucose is stored in the form of fat. But this study:

It demonstrated that insulin sensitivity during the evening does not differ from insulin sensitivity during the afternoon. And insulin sensitivity is high during the day only because of the fast food 8 hours during sleep. And drop-eating long hours improves insulin sensitivity.

The study summary: insulin sensitivity at least in the evening, but it is gradually improving during sleep. Which explains why increased insulin sensitivity more than the night the morning (because of fasting 8 hours).

For more on the hormone leptin burning fat

last word:
When you describe Dr. Dieting poor meal before bed will befall you stomach pains from severe hunger. Add to that a large thinner and difficulty sleeping, leading to you out on the system.

The main cause of obesity is eating more calories than a number of your daily needs. If you take large amounts of calories will increase your weight even if they refrained from dinner. And that dealt with a number of calories less than your everyday needs will decrease your weight, whatever the quality of the food or the date taken. Energy is inexhaustible and does develop not.

Eat during the night beneficial to the body and may help you burn a