Thursday, January 12, 2017

Legends series nutrition: Does eating before bedtime cause obesity?

 : Introduction to Nutrition Legends series

Despite the proliferation of slimming clinics and gyms and slimming sports equipment and household cheap medicines in the Arab world. But the Arab countries occupy the global forefront in the development of obesity rates. Egypt and Jordan are the two No. 1 and 2 in the percentage of obese women in the world, according to statistics from the Bloomberg network. This is due to many factors. Most notably social lifestyle in the Arab world. Since most of the holidays and celebrations and weddings and family visits and Kherujat the main factor is a fatty food item. And the second factor is due to the great failure of Western countries in nutrition science and training. Most slimming clinics in the Arab World initiative administered Doctors intimal or physical therapy, each holder of a submerged certificates of nutrition and others did not have any certificate or even studied the proper nutrition. Add to that the complete ignorance of the science of sound exercise and, of course, all of them in deplorable physical condition. This is unlike some of the appearances in the media and broadcast many of the fallacies and rumors on millions of ears and eyes

Myth One: eating before bedtime cause obesity

Many articles are advised in women's magazines and the many friends and girlfriends and slimming doctors advised to eat less food evening. And this is because - in their view - the food turns to fat automatically when you sleep. As the saying goes: eat breakfast like kings, Kalama lunch, dinner such as the poor. In this situation I describe Dr. slimming dinner very poor (piece Quraish cheese or yogurt cup skimmed) .. causing you excruciating pain because of hunger and great difficulty in sleeping
And Abraham is that when you sleep, basal metabolic rates of less (burn rate), and therefore believe that the body does not burn the food effectively and this food turns to fat Erh and chest and buttocks. When you wake up in perpetual motion and high-calorie burning rate. But when sleep movement and stop burning calories least rate. This justification seems strong at first glance, but he half-truth.

Metabolic rate during sleep Sleeping Metabolic Rate (SMR)

 .Metabolic rate during sleep is to burn calories while sleeping rate

obesity in america-obesity definition-obesity bmi-obesity statistics-obesity hypoventilation syndrome-obesity help-obesity chart-obesity facts-obesity in children-obesity epidemic-Fitness-Diet-LOSS-paunch

Study 1:

This study has already shown that the basic metabolism rate of less than 35% in the first half of the sleep cycle. This is consistent with the legend. But this study also demonstrated that the basic metabolic rate SMR rise dramatically in the second half of the sleep cycle!

If the burn rate during sleep change over time, but what is the overall result for the full cycle of sleep? Answer in the next two studies.

The study 2-3:

These studies demonstrated that the metabolic rate during sleep SMR is not much different from the metabolic rate during the day RMR. Whenever I lost weight, as these studies have proved that the metabolic rate during sleep rises. People Alpha have also a key rate during sleep higher than the rates during the day!

Study 4:

This study has shown that exercise during the day increases the basal metabolic rate during sleep significantly. And this is another benefit of the enormous benefits of the sport.

Conclusion: Studies have shown that the basic metabolism rate of not less than during sleep. And the source of the legend that these rates are only less than during the first half of sleep, but the overall result of the burn rates during sleep does not differ from those during the day.

But for ..mama eat carbohydrates before bedtime?
This is another version of the legend .. that carbohydrates before bedtime also automatically turn into fat. And it alleged that the promoters of this rumor insulin sensitivity less during the evening, leading to glucose is stored in the form of fat. But this study:

It demonstrated that insulin sensitivity during the evening does not differ from insulin sensitivity during the afternoon. And insulin sensitivity is high during the day only because of the fast food 8 hours during sleep. And drop-eating long hours improves insulin sensitivity.

The study summary: insulin sensitivity at least in the evening, but it is gradually improving during sleep. Which explains why increased insulin sensitivity more than the night the morning (because of fasting 8 hours).

For more on the hormone leptin burning fat

last word:
When you describe Dr. Dieting poor meal before bed will befall you stomach pains from severe hunger. Add to that a large thinner and difficulty sleeping, leading to you out on the system.

The main cause of obesity is eating more calories than a number of your daily needs. If you take large amounts of calories will increase your weight even if they refrained from dinner. And that dealt with a number of calories less than your everyday needs will decrease your weight, whatever the quality of the food or the date taken. Energy is inexhaustible and does develop not.

Eat during the night beneficial to the body and may help you burn a


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