Friday, January 13, 2017

Know the benefits of drinking hot water on an empty stomach

Many people prefer to drink cold water, and prefer ice water in the summer and think that that tells their thirst and benefit their health, but the fact that drinking cold water deprive you of many of the necessary returned in the water and can not take advantage of them only when your drinking hot water and regularity to drink water hot little to save energy for the digestive system, and reduces the metabolic waste accumulated in the immune system

We have quoted previously the subject of a warning from the drinking water during eating or before and immediately after eating and conveyed gravity and harm and Our Exile is common for many people is that the water during a meal improves digestion and emphasized that and also stressed the specialists it causes indigestion for more information, see the article "damage to drinking water during eating and immediately after eating. "

 Background Coffee Water Paper Man Nature Sun Forest Health Spring Leaves Tea Shirt Human Person Drink Boy Energy Cup, hot-steam-water-coffee-tea-cups-glass

Of the hot water to drink on an empty stomach and the benefits are cleansing the digestive process, avoid constipation, relieve pain if it concerns a headache or muscle spasms, and reduce the weight, improve blood circulation, and stop premature aging

It has the Japanese Federation of Diseases published the following experiment for the treatment of water for the following diseases:
Hyperacidity and gastritis, dysentery, headache, pressure,  throat, asthma, TB, meningitis, and any other disease related to the urinary tract, constipation, any disease related to eye and ear and throat.

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