Monday, January 16, 2017

10 Commandments to lose the rumen and burn belly fat

Modern Arab study has shown that 90% of adults in the Arab world wish to get rid of the accumulated fat in the abdominal area, so Barna in rapid slimming magazine to offer all who wish to allocate the rumen this special topic, which is some of the most important ways of effective and safe for the loss of the abdomen is fast , and by following these simple tips habits can more easily eliminate the accumulated fat in the abdominal area Erh and get on the belly of a tight and slim and graceful. At the same time, we protect ourselves from many diseases related to the accumulation of fat such as heart disease, strokes, bloating and 

others. All this and more by following these habits and tips:

. Identify a realistic goal and move forward. Where it must determine the desired losing weight with   the help of ideal weight calculator, note that these things need some time to get the desired result, which will not be more than one month at the latest.

. food coloring. It is not intended here is to paint the food, but a lot of colors Calf fit meal, cucumbers, spinach, carrots, tomatoes and other healthy foods which, if included in the one meal they take advantage of them good. Note that some diets prevent reflux and/or tomatoes during the accursed period.

. Drink water frequently. Contrary to what one knows of many, drank plenty of water for at least eight glasses a day one of the most important steps necessary for fat loss and weight loss are also advised to drink a glass of water before each meal shortly, and in light of moisturizing body and replace lost fluids and reduce the need for beverages drinks and sweetened juices. So we recommend that you carry a bottle with you wherever you go.

. Stop eating soft drinks. Diet soft drinks even of them are commercial products and affect the agility around the abdomen area. For this reason, you must get rid of soft drinks or avoid them as much as possible in the case of wanting to get on the belly tight.

Melt the fat-removing acne-fastest easiest diet-diet-child obesity-dark circles-weight-loss-diet program -twhit face-LOSS buttocks-abdomen-LOSS LOSS LOSS rumen-without-Diet Weight Loss-Atralat belly-hair loss -tsgar nose-aerobic exercises-exercises-body stretching exercises for fat-burning exercises to flatten tummy-slimming nose-slimming body-slimming legs slimming-thighs-slimming face-acne-acne-burning fat-burning belly fat-diet Gmaiah- weight loss diet-week-protein-diet diet of pregnant and lactating diet-water-Diet Diet nursing-fast-fast-acting diet-diet-healthy diet hard-overweight-chest-tightening benefits of walking.

.  LOSS most is eating junk food. All of which contain the large amounts of calories and saturated fats that are difficult for the body to deal with it and then stores it, especially in the areas of the abdomen and buttocks in the body. So in a way agility, you must refrain from eating such foods and replace them with a private plant them healthy foods.

. determine the size of the meal. Do you know the size of the meal that must be addressed? Did you know that most of us put at least twice the amount mentioned for the size of the meal, as well as a restaurant more than twice the size of the perfect meal capita meat and fat, as well as ill-prepared way? Tested by placing what is sufficient grain in a vase or bowl and compare the size of the meal listed on the cereal box. Therefore, we recommend using small dishes to eat it Chark rapid satiety and can not fool the stomach. In this way, it protects the whole body especially your belly from many calories unnecessary.

. LOSS rumen practice exercises. It is true that all the exercise Tvkdk calories and fat unnecessary, but about LOSS rumen issue is quite different. Where you need the abdominal area to practice specialized exercises like abdominal exercises and exercises tummy tuck, and in light of a healthy diet or checking in food intake and a lot of movement.

. cry from starvation and deprivation. Starve the self-denial of food is one of the reasons for the body to store fat and reduce metabolic rates, contrary to what many believed us, but it must be done to reduce calories by following a healthy diet from Diet section without amendment, so as to ensure obtaining the necessary minimal nutrients of calories and fat unnecessary.

. cry from the tension. It has been proven that there is a close relationship between stress and weight gain, not induce the body to eat only food, but also to the fact that the tension and stress and nervousness stimulate the body to secrete many hormones that affect metabolism, so you must fight the tension and pressure as much as possible to lose the rumen and get Ali healthy body and limber.

. A comprehensive healthy diet without giving up the importance of breakfast meal, contrary to what some believe, avoid eating breakfast a key factor for the emergence of the rumen. For more, we advise you to realize the benefits of breakfast. Experts and specialists also advised those who want to customize the rumen to watch his food low-fat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables, brown rice and whole grains to choose, and avoid foods rich in fat and calories Kalpana hamburgers and fried foods and baked potatoes, and sugars. On the other hand, experts and specialists need to eat slowly assured and effective way to lose weight in the abdominal area in general, the speed of the feeling of 
satiety and fullness under to enjoy the taste and taste as long as possible without overheating


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