Sunday, January 15, 2017

?What are the health risks of excess weight with pregnancy

?How will it affect my weight on and on my child

Be a normal, healthy pregnancy for most women are overweight. Weight has absolutely no effect on your pregnancy or your birth
However, the increase in weight has doubled with a high body mass index BMI possibilities will impact you some complications. You may not exercise any of these problems, but it is useful to know and see it

Physicians and researchers have not discovered why weight affects the carrier, which is part of the most complex the intervention of other factors, such as the woman's age and history of hereditary or genetic and lifestyle and even ethnic background combination. Each of these factors role. But whenever a body mass index of you have, the greater the likelihood of exposure to complications during pregnancy

:The most common complications associated with being overweight or obese pregnancy
Pregnancy diabetes
High blood pressure associated with pregnancy
Pre-eclampsia which occurs when there is a problem in the placenta
.The beginning of labor very early

However, weight gain also lead to higher chances you exceed the expected date of childbirth. What you need to increase the likelihood of birth induced.

If the body mass index of 30 or higher have, you are having the following things when it comes time to give birth:
Assisted delivery (tongs surgery or peat)
Caesarean birth
Severe bleeding after childbirth (postpartum hemorrhage PPH)
If inflammation of the wound was born by Caesarean section
Blood clots in the deep veins of the leg (deep vein thrombosis or DVT) or the lungs (pulmonary embolism or PE)
T dash increases the time in the hospital because of complications.

If you are overweight or suffer from obesity during pregnancy, are likely to give birth a large-sized baby (macrosomia).

On the other hand, the increase in overweight or obese may lead to the birth of small children. If you are carrying excessive weight around your waist, it is difficult for midwives and doctors to evaluate your child's growth carefully. Additional hearings conducted for imaging ultrasound any sonar for most women than to have a body mass index of 40 to make sure that the baby is growing well.

Researchers have also link between obesity and the high probability of the development of a child with dysfunction in the neural tube. These defects can affect the child's brain and spinal cord (neural tube defects), or heart, or abdominal wall. But rest assured, because these risks are very rare.

You can protect your baby from neural tube defects by taking 5 milligrams of folic acid per day during the first three months of pregnancy. Ask your doctor prescription.
?What can I do so that I have the healthy pregnancy
The good news is that some simple steps can help you protect your child's health and well-being. It is considered healthy eating, regular exercise, and sports practice, and adherence to the guidelines for the weight gain of the best ways to reduce the chances of complications.

There is no evidence that a diet to lose weight during pregnancy is a good idea. In fact, your child may harm in some cases. If you suffer from nausea and vomiting in the first weeks of pregnancy, it may be harder for you to enjoy a balanced diet. Make sure you only drink plenty of water and try to 
eat small, nutritious meals more often

The best thing for you and your child to eat, according to a balanced diet. Choose foods that contain a low percentage of glucose, which are foods that require your body to work hard to be digested and converted into sugar. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Go to Options foods that contain whole grains and starches, such as bread, pasta Almsnoaan of whole grains, instead of foods that are high in fat and sugar. Shark foods that contain a high proportion of fiber and starchy foods fullness and give you food that you and your child Thtegenha.

As well as a healthy diet, there are dietary supplements need to be taken. If the body mass index has more than 30, you should take a daily dietary supplement contains 5 milligrams of folic acid. This is a higher dose than the usual dose containing 400 micrograms of folic acid, so you will need to get a prescription. Keep taking folic acid for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Help to take folic acid in the first trimester (first three months your baby's nervous system growth) as normal.

Also, Stnsahk doctor to take a daily complimentary contains 10 micrograms of vitamin D during pregnancy and after the birth of your child if you are breastfeeding. Vitamin D helps your child to strong bones and teeth growth before and after birth. If the body mass index have more than 30, considered vitamin D intake is especially important because the increase in body mass index on 30 
makes you more prone to vitamin D deficiency

Constitute a regular exercise during pregnancy is an excellent way to help your body cope with pregnancy and prepare you for the birth. It is one of the best ways to control your weight, especially when combined with a healthy diet. These exercises can reduce the likelihood of a large-sized baby mode.

But if you do not live a sport before pregnancy, this is not the time to start to follow a strict regime. You can do some light exercise after obtaining the consent of your physician

Contented himself with activities or exercises that do not require a great effort, such as swimming and walking. Commit sessions short exercises and Side gradually, and keep moisture in your body by drinking plenty of water

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Talk to your doctor about individual circumstances. Maybe it was high blood pressure or suffer from diabetes or have a family history of senior-sized children. If you and your doctor are aware of the risks that you may experience, Fimkinkma works together to improve your chances of having a healthy child


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